Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is It Real?

What am I referring to? Why H1N1 of course!

I can just imagine the incredulous look on your face. How could I possibly question the reality of H1N1.

OK. Maybe H1N1 as a virus does really exist. However, we have to remember what we are talking about here.

H1N1 is not the black plague.

It is not leprosy.

You will not spontaneously combust if you contract this virus.

What we are talking about is a variant of the common flu virus.

And yet I cannot open a newspaper, at least here in Montreal, where there is not a 2-page full-page advert informing me of how contagious this flu is, and how important it is for me to get the vaccine. I have never seen such overwhelming and blatant propaganda anywhere!

I cannot help but think of the timing and synchronicity of all this.

Remember the stock market crash and the huge devaluation of American homes in the recent past? All of the big pharmaceutical companies are publicly owned and trade on the stock market. A lot of the stock holders were negatively affected by the recent economic conditions, and probably want to make uptheir losses. One way to do that would be to stir the pot a bit, raising public concern by creating a multimedia blitz informing everyone of the benefits of the vaccine that the big pharma companies are pushing. The rest would take care of itself, and "Voila!" our stockholder is back in black!

I know. It sounds like another conspiracy theory, and I have been told so. However, I wonder how far off the mark I really am?

What do you think?

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