Friday, May 7, 2010

My period of darkness ends now...

The other night, as I once again felt my third-dimensional polarity closing in on me (don't ask - life is messy at times), I penned these words:

Food and drink
No longer comfort me,

The company of others
Is like poison on my lips,

Memories of times long gone
Haunt my days,

Yet still I struggle
To stand in the Light,

To be positive and strong,
Until my deliverance comes.

Thankfully, my strugle with myself was short-lived. Sleep, when it comes, is a wonderful eraser or equalizer, depending on your point of view.

The very next day, my good friend sent me the following words of inspiration.

Surely, if they can bring joy and serenity to me, then I pray that they may do the same for you. I share them here with you in that hope. May the creator of all that is smile on you for all eternity.


You've endured hardships in your life---sometimes gracefully, sometimes awkwardly---yet they've taught you life lessons that have been invaluable in forming the person you are today.

These experiences have influenced your personality and character; however, the path you've taken has ultimately been influenced by the choices you've made in response to those experiences. This is especially true with your most recent cycle---one that has presented many challenges that you've dealt with successfully. That period of travail is passing, and whether or not you're aware of it, it has contributed significantly to your spiritual growth.

As you emerge from this period, you'll still be faced with a few challenges, but you'll readily face them with the courage and inner strength you've mustered during this period of struggle. You've discovered resources that you never knew you had, and these will serve you well for the rest of your life.

Your faith in Life's unfolding and your greater awareness of your soul's destiny will help you deal with anything that comes your way with self-confidence, grace and fluidity. Making conscious and deliberate choices now becomes top priority, as these have the potential to dramatically alter your life.

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