Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Still Waiting on the News

I have friends and family members that firmly believe that to be an informed person one must religiously watch the nightly news on television, or at least read the newspaper. I long ago gave up on both these activities as a waste of time. When I tell people so, they shake their heads, and start treating me like I am some sort of poor mental defective.

OK, I'll play along for a minute, and assume that one can actually obtain truly important events of the day from across the globe in the media, and that this coverage is unbiased, unfiltered, unmodified, and complete in every way.

If that were true, then wouldn't we have seen the image shown above in the news?

This picture was taken on December 9th of 2009 in Tromso, Norway at around 7:50 local time.

From a news article found here:

"The light appears to be unconnected with the aurora borealis, or northern lights, the natural magnetic phenomena that can often be viewed in that part of the world.

The mystery began when a blue light seemed to soar up from behind a mountain in the north of the country. It stopped mid-air, then began to move in circles. Within seconds a giant spiral had covered the entire sky. Then a green-blue beam of light shot out from its centre - lasting for ten to 12 minutes before disappearing completely."

The article claims that this was the result of a failed Russian missile launch. Really? There is no way that I can reconcile what I see in the picture with what we have all seen missiles do. Also, this phenomenon went on for over ten minutes. What kind of a missile would do that?

I do not claim to know what was captured in pictures that day in Norway. However, there are some things that I am as sure of as ever before:

1 - The news does not tell us what we need to know. It only tells us what we are meant to hear.

2 - No one who follows the mainstream media can ever declare to me that they are truly informed.

3 - Anything that scientists cannot explain because it falls outside of their narrow view of things is dismissed by the government and the privately held news outlets with a cover-up story to placate the masses.

There have been increasing reports from around the world in the past few months about unexplained aerial phenomena like this one, witnessed by thousands of people. What is going on? If you have an idea, then please leave your comments at the end of this blog entry.

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