Sunday, June 6, 2010

Life is waiting for you...

waiting for you to give it direction, give it meaning, and provide just a spark. When acting in line with your dreams, you invoke life's inviolate principles, you set into motion an array of unseen forces, and you unleash the magic behind the illusions of time and space. It's the same magic that helps you finish a sentence before you even know how it'll end, knows just how fast to beat your heart, and spins your dreams each and every night. It's also the magic that sweeps birds into formation, sends bears into hibernation and bees after honey, and pushes up trees and all things green. This is the magic you invoke when you act with certainty and the magic that makes dreams come true; all that's needed to get the ball rolling is for you to aim and throw. And like a boomerang, your intentions - supported by your thoughts, deeds, and words - will indeed return to you, manifested within space and time.


Pretty nice, huh? Well that's not me, that's Mike Dooley from his latest book entitled "Infinite Possibilities; The Art of Living Your Dreams". I started reading it a few days ago, and I think it's great. Check it out, you might like it.

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